SUSTAINABLE REMOTE COMMUNITIES Local Sustainability is the basis of Global Sustainability Remote isolated island communities often face many problems such as having a shortage of available land, limited & unreliable water supply, reduced education and job opportunities, little variety in social activities & entertainment leading to boredom, an exodus of young adults seeking variety and job opportunities, social disintegration, consumer culture but little opportunity for export income, and changed eating & exercise patterns creating health problems. The underlying cause of these problems is logistics and small market size. Transport costs and delivery time increase with distance and reduced cargo volume leading to reduced delivery frequency. Logistics is why materials & manufactured goods are expensive and local industry can’t export viably. A small market is the reason why power is usually diesel fuelled generation and food from the local ‘mini-mart’ does not include fresh vegtables and fruit. A small market can’t support technical & professional facilities and services and so create professional employment opportunities. However new and emerging technologies can provide solutions - The Internet allows access to education, medical specialists and entertainment. Information based jobs earning export income are now possible as is sustainable energy, water & food supplies.
EnGen Institute 1992-2022
Tidal Current Generators below Jetty - HydroGen Power Ind.
Renewable energy generation and storage can eliminate the need for diesel gensets and the high cost of imported diesel, but it needs to be guaranteed, bulk, 100% renewable power and able to track demand. This can be achieved with reliable renewables energy sources, micro- grids and adequate energy storage. When guaranteed, bulk renewable power is generated locally, then a guaranteed, clean, water supply is also available via low cost Reverse Osmosis Desalination of seawater. Bulk, clean water can support local food production and a wide variety of food crops grown in climate controlled greenhouses.